Born in 1912, What is my Chinese Zodiac Sign and Element?

According to Chinese Astrology, 1912 is the Year of the Rat and it is the Water element. Based on the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, those born in 1912 are Rats. The Chinese Rat year repeats every 12 years. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, those born between 18 February 1912 and 5 February 1913 are considered born in the Chinese year 1912 and are a Rat sign. In addition, each Rat year is also represented by 5 elements in Chinese astrology that express character and behavior. Therefore, each year it is referred to with a different zodiac animal name and a different element name, and this repeats only once in 60 years. 1912 is also known as the Year of the Water Rat. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a negative/positive expression according to the Yin Yang philosophy. The year 1912 is Yang (+) according to the Chinese calendar.

When is the Chinese Year of the Rat?

Famous people from the Year of the Rat and 1912

Famous People Born in the Year of the Rat and Chinese Year 1912. Many celebrities were born in the Year of the Rat 1912. Some of them are the following;
Date Name
1912 Karl Malden, American actor (d. 2009)
1912 David Brand, Australian politician, 19th Premier of Western Australia (d. 1979)
1912 Marten Toonder, Dutch comic strip creator (d. 2005)
1912 Meldrim Thomson Jr., American publisher and politician, Governor of New Hampshire (d. 2001)
1912 Daniel Jones, Welsh captain and composer (d. 1993)
1912 James Callaghan, English lieutenant and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 2005)
1912 Barbara Hutton, American philanthropist (d. 1979)
1912 Glenn T. Seaborg, American chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1999)
1912 Dale Evans, American singer-songwriter and actress (d. 2001)
1912 Kathleen Ollerenshaw, English mathematician, astronomer, and politician, Lord Mayor of Manchester (d. 2014)
1912 Nigel Patrick, English actor and director (d. 1981)
1912 Garson Kanin, American director and screenwriter (d. 1999)
1912 Stylianos Pattakos, Greek general and politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Greece (d. 2016)
1912 Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish architect and diplomat (d. 1947)
1912 Dean Rockwell, American commander, wrestler, and coach (d. 2005)
1912 Carl Hovland, American psychologist and academic (d. 1961)
1912 Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, German physicist and philosopher (d. 2007)
1912 Arthur Berger, American composer and educator (d. 2003)
1912 Jacques Hélian, French bandleader (d. 1986)
1912 William F. Walsh, American captain and politician, 48th Mayor of Syracuse (d. 2011)
1912 Bernard Joseph McLaughlin, American bishop (d. 2015)
1912 Connie Sawyer, American actress (d. 2018)
1912 José Pablo Moncayo, Mexican pianist, composer, and conductor (d. 1958)
1912 Kaneto Shindō, Japanese director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2012)
1912 Makar Honcharenko, Ukrainian footballer and manager (d. 1997)
1912 Kenny Baker, American singer and actor (d. 1985)
1912 Jay Silverheels, Canadian-American actor (d. 1980)
1913 Eugène Brands, Dutch painter (d. 2002)
1912 Pierre Boulle, French soldier and author (d. 1994)
1912 Brian Johnston, English sportscaster and author (d. 1994)