Birthday Age Calculator, Calculate My Age, How old am I now?

This age calculator calculates age for a date of birth on any given date in years, months and days. Calculate age in months and calculate age in days. To calculate exact age from date of birth by using this calculator, we will follow the next steps: Select the month of birth; Select the date of born; Select the birth year;

Select Your Birthday

Month Day Year

Age Calculation?

Age calculator is online tool to calculate age from date of birth to current date. This calculator is based on the most common age system. In this system, age grows at the birthday. For example, the age of a person that has lived for 17 years and 11 months is 17 and the age will turn to 18 at his/her next birthday one month later. Most western countries use this age system. The calculated age will be displayed in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Age calculator will give the age based on the date of birth and the current date. It also finds how old are we in years, or months, or days, or minutes, or seconds and it points out the number of days till next birthday.

  UTC TIME : Dec 08, 2019 12:16:40

What Happened on This Day in History?

Famous People Born on February 20

Here is a random list who born on February 20. For full list please click on the link above.

Year Name
1954 Anthony Head, English actor
1980 Luis Gabriel Rey, Colombian footballer
1943 Mike Leigh, English director and screenwriter
1912 Pierre Boulle, French soldier and author (d. 1994)
1964 Jeff Maggert, American golfer
1552 Sengoku Hidehisa, Daimyō (d. 1614)
1984 Ramzee Robinson, American football player
1874 Mary Garden, Scottish-American soprano and actress (d. 1967)
1949 Ivana Trump, Czech-American socialite and model (d. 2022)
1857 A. P. Lucas, English cricketer (d. 1923)

Famous People Deaths on February 20

Here is a list of some famous peope who died on February 20. For full list please click on the link above.

Date Name
1893 P. G. T. Beauregard, American general (b. 1818)
1054 Yaroslav the Wise, grand prince of Veliky Novgorod and Kyiv (b. 978)
1936 Max Schreck, German actor (b. 1879)
1907 Henri Moissan, French chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1852)
1618 Philip William, Prince of Orange (b. 1554)
1154 Saint Wulfric of Haselbury (b. c. 1080)
2008 Emily Perry, English actress and dancer (b. 1907)
1993 Ferruccio Lamborghini, Italian businessman, founded Lamborghini (b. 1916)
1524 Tecun Uman, Mayan ruler (b. 1500)
2012 Knut Torbjørn Eggen, Norwegian footballer and manager (b. 1960)

Historical Events on February 20

Here is a list of some events happened on February 20. For full list please click on the link above.

Date Event
1339 The Milanese army and the St. George's (San Giorgio) Mercenaries of Lodrisio Visconti clash in the Battle of Parabiago; Visconti is defeated.
1943 The Saturday Evening Post publishes the first of Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms in support of United States President Franklin Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union address theme of Four Freedoms.
1920 An earthquake kills between 114 and 130 in Georgia and heavily damages the town of Gori.
2016 Six people are killed and two injured in multiple shooting incidents in Kalamazoo County, Michigan.
1872 The Metropolitan Museum of Art opens in New York City.
2014 Dozens of Euromaidan anti-government protesters died in Ukraine's capital Kyiv, many reportedly killed by snipers.
1991 In the Albanian capital Tirana, a gigantic statue of Albania's long-time leader, Enver Hoxha, is brought down by mobs of angry protesters.
1816 Rossini's opera The Barber of Seville premieres at the Teatro Argentina in Rome.
1521 Juan Ponce de León sets out from Spain for Florida with about 200 prospective colonists.
1988 The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast votes to secede from Azerbaijan and join Armenia, triggering the First Nagorno-Karabakh War.