Born in 1907, What is my Chinese Zodiac Sign and Element?

According to Chinese Astrology, 1907 is the Year of the Goat and it is the Fire element. Based on the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, those born in 1907 are Goats. The Chinese Goat year repeats every 12 years. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, those born between 13 February 1907 and 1 February 1908 are considered born in the Chinese year 1907 and are a Goat sign. In addition, each Goat year is also represented by 5 elements in Chinese astrology that express character and behavior. Therefore, each year it is referred to with a different zodiac animal name and a different element name, and this repeats only once in 60 years. 1907 is also known as the Year of the Fire Goat. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a negative/positive expression according to the Yin Yang philosophy. The year 1907 is Yin (-) according to the Chinese calendar.

When is the Chinese Year of the Goat?

Famous people from the Year of the Goat and 1907

Famous People Born in the Year of the Goat and Chinese Year 1907. Many celebrities were born in the Year of the Goat 1907. Some of them are the following;
Date Name
1908 William Hartnell, English actor (d. 1975)
1907 Lev Oborin, Russian pianist and educator (d. 1974)
1907 Augustus F. Hawkins, American lawyer and politician (d. 2007)
1908 George Dolenz, Italian-American actor (d. 1963)
1907 Altiero Spinelli, Italian theorist and politician (d. 1986)
1907 Ayub Khan, Pakistani general and politician, 2nd President of Pakistan (d. 1974)
1907 Compay Segundo, Cuban singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2003)
1907 Weeb Ewbank, American football player and coach (d. 1998)
1907 Glenn McCarthy, American businessman, founded the Shamrock Hotel (d. 1988)
1907 Bhagat Singh, Indian socialist revolutionary (disputed with 28 September) (d. 1931)
1907 Daryna Dmytrivna Polotniuk, Bukovinian (Ukrainian) journalist and author (d. 1982)
1907 Oscar Niemeyer, Brazilian architect, designed the United Nations Headquarters and the Cathedral of Brasília (d. 2012)
1907 Shug Fisher, American singer-songwriter, musician, actor, and comedian (d. 1984)
1907 Manuel Lopes, Cape Verdean author and poet (d. 2005)
1907 Miklós Rózsa, Hungarian-American composer and conductor (d. 1995)
1907 Dicky Wells, American jazz trombonist (d. 1985)
1907 Isabel Jewell, American actress (d. 1972)
1907 Cesar Romero, American actor (d. 1994)
1907 Edwin McMillan, American physicist and chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1991)
1907 Jimmy Driftwood, American singer-songwriter and banjo player (d. 1998)
1907 I. F. Stone, American journalist and author (d. 1989)
1907 Loren Eiseley, American anthropologist, philosopher, and author (d. 1977)
1907 Dorothy Tangney, Australian politician (d. 1985)
1907 Mary Howard, English author (d. 1991)
1908 Paul Misraki, Turkish-French composer and historian (d. 1998)
1907 Blind Boy Fuller, American singer and guitarist (d. 1941)
1907 Irving Paul Lazar, American lawyer and talent agent (d. 1993)
1907 Sanya Dharmasakti, Thai jurist (d. 2002)
1907 Walter Walsh, American target shooter and FBI agent (d. 2014)
1907 George Stanley, Canadian soldier, historian, and author, designed the flag of Canada (d. 2002)