Born in 1915, What is my Chinese Zodiac Sign and Element?

According to Chinese Astrology, 1915 is the Year of the Rabbit and it is the Wood element. Based on the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, those born in 1915 are Rabbits. The Chinese Rabbit year repeats every 12 years. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, those born between 14 February 1915 and 2 February 1916 are considered born in the Chinese year 1915 and are a Rabbit sign. In addition, each Rabbit year is also represented by 5 elements in Chinese astrology that express character and behavior. Therefore, each year it is referred to with a different zodiac animal name and a different element name, and this repeats only once in 60 years. 1915 is also known as the Year of the Wood Rabbit. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a negative/positive expression according to the Yin Yang philosophy. The year 1915 is Yin (-) according to the Chinese calendar.

When is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit?

Famous people from the Year of the Rabbit and 1915

Famous People Born in the Year of the Rabbit and Chinese Year 1915. Many celebrities were born in the Year of the Rabbit 1915. Some of them are the following;
Date Name
1915 Louis Le Bailly, British Royal Navy officer (d. 2010)
1915 Max Lanier, American baseball player and manager (d. 2007)
1915 Orson Welles, American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 1985)
1915 Ingrid Bergman, Swedish actress (d. 1982)
1916 Gene Mako, Hungarian-American tennis player and actor (d. 2013)
1915 Phillip Glasier, English author and academic (d. 2000)
1915 Owen Bradley, American country music record producer (d. 1998)
1916 Xuân Diệu, Vietnamese poet and author (d. 1985)
1915 Len Carney, English footballer and soldier (d. 1996)
1915 S. U. Ethirmanasingham, Sri Lankan businessman and politician
1915 Ester Soré, Chilean singer-songwriter (d. 1996)
1915 Michael Kidd, American dancer and choreographer (d. 2007)
1915 Charles Hard Townes, American physicist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2015)
1915 Harry Morgan, American actor and director (d. 2011)
1915 Hal Jackson, American journalist and radio host (d. 2012)
1915 Regina Ghazaryan, Armenian painter (d. 1999)
1916 Betty Furness, American actress and television journalist (d. 1994)
1915 Henrik Sandberg, Danish production manager and producer (d. 1993)
1915 Alexander Brott, Canadian violinist, composer, and conductor (d. 2005)
1915 Aideu Handique, Indian actress (d. 2002)
1915 Loris Francesco Capovilla, Italian cardinal (d. 2016)
1915 Pietro Ingrao, Italian journalist and politician (d. 2015)
1915 Norm Smith, Australian footballer and coach (d. 1973)
1915 Princess Lilian, Duchess of Halland (d. 2013)
1915 André François, Romanian-French illustrator, painter, and sculptor (d. 2005)
1915 Inge King, German-born Australian sculptor (d. 2016)
1915 Kaoru Ishikawa, Japanese author and educator (d. 1989)
1915 Neil D. Van Sickle, American Air Force major general (d. 2019)
1915 Lennart Strandberg, Swedish sprinter (d. 1989)
1915 Roland Barthes, French philosopher, theorist, and critic (d. 1980)