Born in 1926, What is my Chinese Zodiac Sign and Element?

According to Chinese Astrology, 1926 is the Year of the Tiger and it is the Fire element. Based on the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, those born in 1926 are Tigers. The Chinese Tiger year repeats every 12 years. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, those born between 13 February 1926 and 1 February 1927 are considered born in the Chinese year 1926 and are a Tiger sign. In addition, each Tiger year is also represented by 5 elements in Chinese astrology that express character and behavior. Therefore, each year it is referred to with a different zodiac animal name and a different element name, and this repeats only once in 60 years. 1926 is also known as the Year of the Fire Tiger. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a negative/positive expression according to the Yin Yang philosophy. The year 1926 is Yang (+) according to the Chinese calendar.

When is the Chinese Year of the Tiger?

Famous people from the Year of the Tiger and 1926

Famous People Born in the Year of the Tiger and Chinese Year 1926. Many celebrities were born in the Year of the Tiger 1926. Some of them are the following;
Date Name
1926 Beni Montresor, Italian director, set designer, author, and illustrator (d. 2001)
1926 Jack Brabham, Australian race car driver (d. 2014)
1926 Margaret Laurence, Canadian author and academic (d. 1987)
1926 Joel Feinberg, American philosopher and academic (d. 2004)
1926 Erna Schneider Hoover, American mathematician and inventor
1926 André Cassagnes, French toy maker, created the Etch A Sketch (d. 2013)
1926 Richard DeVos, American businessman and philanthropist, co-founded Amway (d. 2018)
1926 Ain Kaalep, Estonian poet, playwright, and critic (d. 2020)
1926 Beverly Garland, American actress (d. 2008)
1926 John Knowles, American novelist (d. 2001)
1926 Leonard Rossiter, English actor (d. 1984)
1926 Boris Chetkov, Russian painter (d. 2010)
1926 Paulette Poujol-Oriol, Haitian educator and writer (d. 2011)
1926 Paul Burke, American actor (d. 2009)
1926 Jean-Noël Tremblay, Canadian lawyer and politician (d. 2020)
1927 E. W. Swackhamer, American director and producer (d. 1994)
1926 Bill Blackbeard, American historian and author (d. 2011)
1926 Hugh Hefner, American publisher, founded Playboy Enterprises (d. 2017)
1926 Bo Carpelan, Finnish poet and author (d. 2011)
1926 Betsy Jolas, French composer
1927 Paul Desmarais, Canadian businessman and philanthropist (d. 2013)
1926 Zig Ziglar, American soldier, businessman, and author (d. 2012)
1926 Jan Křesadlo, Czech-English psychologist and author (d. 1995)
1926 Douglas Croft, American child actor (d. 1963)
1926 Carl Hahn, German businessman
1926 Donn Fendler, American author and speaker (d. 2016)
1926 David Wynne, English sculptor and painter (d. 2014)
1926 Gillian Lynne, English ballerina, choreographer, and director (d. 2018)
1926 Eddie Yost, American baseball player and coach (d. 2012)
1926 Sulev Vahtre, Estonian historian and academic (d. 2007)