Born in 1933, What is my Chinese Zodiac Sign and Element?

According to Chinese Astrology, 1933 is the Year of the Rooster and it is the Water element. Based on the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, those born in 1933 are Roosters. The Chinese Rooster year repeats every 12 years. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, those born between 26 January 1933 and 13 February 1934 are considered born in the Chinese year 1933 and are a Rooster sign. In addition, each Rooster year is also represented by 5 elements in Chinese astrology that express character and behavior. Therefore, each year it is referred to with a different zodiac animal name and a different element name, and this repeats only once in 60 years. 1933 is also known as the Year of the Water Rooster. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a negative/positive expression according to the Yin Yang philosophy. The year 1933 is Yin (-) according to the Chinese calendar.

When is the Chinese Year of the Rooster?

Famous people from the Year of the Rooster and 1933

Famous People Born in the Year of the Rooster and Chinese Year 1933. Many celebrities were born in the Year of the Rooster 1933. Some of them are the following;
Date Name
1933 Philip Roth, American novelist (d. 2018)
1933 Mathieu Kérékou, Beninese soldier and politician, President of Benin (d. 2015)
1933 John Hall, English businessman
1933 Roy Goode, English lawyer and academic
1933 Malcolm Wallop, American politician (d. 2011)
1933 Aharon Lichtenstein, French-Israeli rabbi and author (d. 2015)
1933 Piero Manzoni, Italian artist (d. 1963)
1933 Garnet Mimms, American R&B singer
1933 Ed Corney, American professional bodybuilder (d. 2019)
1933 Rommie Loudd, American football player and coach (d. 1998)
1933 Alberto Romulo, Filipino politician and diplomat
1933 Martino Finotto, Italian race car driver (d. 2014)
1933 Viktor Patsayev, Kazakh engineer and astronaut (d. 1971)
1933 William Anders, Hong Kong-American general and astronaut
1933 Dave Marr, American golfer (d. 1997)
1933 Ove Fundin, Swedish motorcycle racer
1934 David Taylor, English veterinarian and television host (d. 2013)
1934 Bob Bogle, American rock guitarist and bass player (d. 2009)
1933 Leonardo Balada, Spanish-American composer and educator
1933 Barbara Feldon, American actress
1933 Edward Bunker, American author, screenwriter, and actor (d. 2005)
1933 Dick Simon, American race car driver
1933 Joan Collins, English actress
1933 Meena Kumari, Indian actress (d. 1972)
1933 Hope Lange, American actress (d. 2003)
1933 Ojārs Vācietis, Latvian author and poet (d. 1983)
1933 Dan Osinski, American baseball player (d. 2013)
1933 William Luther Pierce, American author and activist (d. 2002)
1934 Huey "Piano" Smith, American pianist and songwriter
1933 Merv Lincoln, Australian Olympic athlete (d. 2016)