You are 96 Years, 07 Months, 4 Days old from November 21, 2024. You were born on Tuesday and have been alive for 35283 days, your next Birthday will be after 04 Months, 25 Days or Your next birthday is in 146 days. You can see detailed informations about your birthdate below.
Date Of Birth | April 17, 1928 (Tuesday) |
Age From Date: | November 21, 2024 (Thursday) |
Age: | 96 Years, 07 Months, 4 Days |
Birth Day Of The Week: | Tuesday |
Age In Months: | 1159 Months 4 Day(s) |
Age In Weeks: | 5040 Weeks 4 Day(s) |
Age In Days: | 35283 Days |
Age In Hours: | 846784 Hours (approx.) |
Age In Minutes: | 50807032 Minutes (approx.) |
Age In Seconds: | 3048421935 Seconds (approx.) |
Next Birthday | April 17, 2025 (Thursday) |
Next Birthday After: | 04 Months, 25 Days |
Is My Birth Year Leap Year? | Year 1928 is a leap year. |
April 17, 1928 Birthday Facts | |
Do you want to know your zodiac sign? | Your zodiac sign, if your date of birth is April 17, 1928, is Aries.
Famous people with Aries zodiac sign? |
Century: | You were born in the 20th century |
Birthday in Roman numerals | IV.XVII.MCMXXVIII
April 17, 1928 in roman numerals? |
What is your age in roman numerals? | Years: XCVI Months: VII Days: IV |
Birth Date Season: | You were born in Spring |
Chinese zodiac sign: | You were born in the Chinese year of the Earth Dragon
When is the Chinese Year of the Dragon? |
Find out how many days you have been alive, what day of the week you were born on, and how long you have lived in days weeks months and years since your birth date. Chronological Age measures how old you are defined as how many years you have lived since birth.
The information above is calculated using UTC timezone where the date and time is Thursday, November 21, 2024 15:52:15Here is a random list who born on April 17. For full list please click on the link above.
Year | Name |
1940 | Anja Silja, German soprano and actress |
1940 | John McCririck, English journalist (d. 2019) |
1957 | Nick Hornby, English novelist, essayist, lyricist, and screenwriter |
1878 | Demetrios Petrokokkinos, Greek tennis player (d. 1942) |
1952 | Željko Ražnatović, Serbian commander "Arkan" (d. 2000) |
1982 | Brad Boyes, Canadian ice hockey player |
1964 | Lela Rochon, American actress |
1979 | Marija Šestak, Serbian-Slovenian triple jumper |
1943 | Richard Allen Epstein, American lawyer, author, and academic |
1910 | Evangelos Averoff, Greek historian and politician, Greek Minister of Defence (d. 1990) |
Here is a list of some famous peope who died on April 17. For full list please click on the link above.
Date | Name |
1321 | Infanta Branca of Portugal, daughter of King Afonso III of Portugal (b. 1259) |
1669 | Antonio Bertali, Italian violinist and composer (b. 1605) |
1331 | Robert de Vere, 6th Earl of Oxford, English nobleman (b. 1257) |
1948 | Kantarō Suzuki, Japanese admiral and politician, 42nd Prime Minister of Japan (b. 1868) |
1994 | Roger Wolcott Sperry, American psychologist and biologist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1913) |
1960 | Eddie Cochran, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1938) |
1936 | Charles Ruijs de Beerenbrouck, Dutch lawyer and politician, 28th Prime Minister of the Netherlands (b. 1873) |
1987 | Cecil Harmsworth King, English publisher (b. 1901) |
1967 | Red Allen, American singer and trumpet player (b. 1908) |
1799 | Richard Jupp, English surveyor and architect (b. 1728) |
Here is a list of some events happened on April 17. For full list please click on the link above.
Date | Event |
1895 | The Treaty of Shimonoseki between China and Japan is signed. This marks the end of the First Sino-Japanese War, and the defeated Qing Empire is forced to renounce its claims on Korea and to concede the southern portion of the Fengtien province, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands to Japan. |
1521 | Trial of Martin Luther over his teachings begins during the assembly of the Diet of Worms. Initially intimidated, he asks for time to reflect before answering and is given a stay of one day. |
1492 | Spain and Christopher Columbus sign the Capitulations of Santa Fe for his voyage to Asia to acquire spices. |
1362 | Kaunas Castle falls to the Teutonic Order after a month-long siege. |
1349 | The rule of the Bavand dynasty in Mazandaran is brought to an end by the murder of Hasan II. |
1080 | Harald III of Denmark dies and is succeeded by Canute IV, who would later be the first Dane to be canonized. |
1969 | Communist Party of Czechoslovakia chairman Alexander Dubček is deposed. |
1970 | Apollo program: The ill-fated Apollo 13 spacecraft returns to Earth safely. |
1986 | An alleged state of war lasting 335 years between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly declared peace bringing an end to any hypothetical war that may have been legally considered to exist.[3] |
1945 | World War II: Montese, Italy, is liberated from Nazi forces. |