What is Elizabeth Allen (actress) Birthday, How old is Elizabeth Allen (actress), What Zodiac Sign is Elizabeth Allen (actress)

Elizabeth Allen (actress) was born on January 25, 1929 and Elizabeth Allen (actress) died at the age of 77, on September 19, 2006. Zodiac sign of Elizabeth Allen (actress) is Aquarius. Elizabeth Allen, American actress and singer (d. 2006). Elizabeth Allen (actress) was born in the Zodiac sign Aquarius (The Water Carrier), and 1929 is the year of the Chinese Zodiac Dragon.

Elizabeth Allen (actress) Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign?

Date of Birth January 25, 1929
Day of Birth Friday
Year of Birth 1929
Occupation American actress and singer
Date of Death September 19, 2006
Time Since Birth: 96 years
Time After Death: 18 years
Next Birthday January 25, 2026 (Sunday)
Number of Days to Next Birthday 327
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Famous people with Aquarius zodiac sign?
Birth Sign Modality & Element Air
Chinese zodiac sign Dragon
When is the Chinese Year of the Dragon?
Chinese zodiac element Earth

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Elizabeth Allen (actress)

When is Elizabeth Allen (actress) birthday?

Elizabeth Allen (actress) birthday date is on January 25, 2026 (Sunday).

What is the birth date of Elizabeth Allen (actress)?

The birth date of Elizabeth Allen (actress) is 01-25-1929.

Is 25-Jan-1929 the birth date of Elizabeth Allen (actress)?

Yes, 25-Jan-1929 is the birth date of Elizabeth Allen (actress).

When is Elizabeth Allen (actress)'s next birthday date?

The next birth day date of Elizabeth Allen (actress) is on January 25, 2026 (Sunday).

When was Elizabeth Allen (actress) born?

Elizabeth Allen (actress) was born on January 25, 1929.

When did Elizabeth Allen (actress) die?

Elizabeth Allen (actress) died on September 19, 2006.

At what age did Elizabeth Allen (actress) die?

Elizabeth Allen (actress) died at aged 77. (1929 - 2006)