What is François-Alphonse Forel Birthday, How old is François-Alphonse Forel, What Zodiac Sign is François-Alphonse Forel

François-Alphonse Forel was born on February 02, 1841 and François-Alphonse Forel died at the age of 71, on August 7, 1912. Zodiac sign of François-Alphonse Forel is Aquarius. François-Alphonse Forel, Swiss limnologist and hydrologist (d. 1912). François-Alphonse Forel was born in the Zodiac sign Aquarius (The Water Carrier), and 1841 is the year of the Chinese Zodiac .

François-Alphonse Forel Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign?

Date of Birth February 02, 1841
Day of Birth Tuesday
Year of Birth 1841
Occupation Swiss limnologist and hydrologist
Date of Death August 07, 1912
Time Since Birth: 184 years
Time After Death: 112 years
Next Birthday February 02, 2026 (Monday)
Number of Days to Next Birthday 326
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Famous people with Aquarius zodiac sign?
Birth Sign Modality & Element Air

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about François-Alphonse Forel

When is François-Alphonse Forel birthday?

François-Alphonse Forel birthday date is on February 02, 2026 (Monday).

What is the birth date of François-Alphonse Forel?

The birth date of François-Alphonse Forel is 02-02-1841.

Is 02-Feb-1841 the birth date of François-Alphonse Forel?

Yes, 02-Feb-1841 is the birth date of François-Alphonse Forel.

When is François-Alphonse Forel's next birthday date?

The next birth day date of François-Alphonse Forel is on February 02, 2026 (Monday).

When was François-Alphonse Forel born?

François-Alphonse Forel was born on February 2, 1841.

When did François-Alphonse Forel die?

François-Alphonse Forel died on August 7, 1912.

At what age did François-Alphonse Forel die?

François-Alphonse Forel died at aged 71. (1841 - 1912)