You are 124 Years, 05 Months, 3 Days old from November 21, 2024. You were born on Monday and have been alive for 45447 days, your next Birthday will be after 06 Months, 26 Days or Your next birthday is in 209 days. You can see detailed informations about your birthdate below.
Date Of Birth | June 18, 1900 (Monday) |
Age From Date: | November 21, 2024 (Thursday) |
Age: | 124 Years, 05 Months, 3 Days |
Birth Day Of The Week: | Monday |
Age In Months: | 1493 Months 3 Day(s) |
Age In Weeks: | 6492 Weeks 3 Day(s) |
Age In Days: | 45447 Days |
Age In Hours: | 1090737 Hours (approx.) |
Age In Minutes: | 65444240 Minutes (approx.) |
Age In Seconds: | 3926654372 Seconds (approx.) |
Next Birthday | June 18, 2025 (Wednesday) |
Next Birthday After: | 06 Months, 26 Days |
Is My Birth Year Leap Year? | Year 1900 is not a leap year. |
June 18, 1900 Birthday Facts | |
Do you want to know your zodiac sign? | Your zodiac sign, if your date of birth is June 18, 1900, is Gemini.
Famous people with Gemini zodiac sign? |
Century: | You were born in the 19th century |
Birthday in Roman numerals | VI.XVIII.MCM
June 18, 1900 in roman numerals? |
What is your age in roman numerals? | Years: CXXIV Months: V Days: III |
Birth Date Season: | You were born in Spring |
Chinese zodiac sign: | You were born in the Chinese year of the Metal Rat
When is the Chinese Year of the Rat? |
Find out how many days you have been alive, what day of the week you were born on, and how long you have lived in days weeks months and years since your birth date. Chronological Age measures how old you are defined as how many years you have lived since birth.
The information above is calculated using UTC timezone where the date and time is Thursday, November 21, 2024 09:19:32Here is a random list who born on June 18. For full list please click on the link above.
Year | Name |
1990 | Derek Stepan, American ice hockey player |
1942 | Thabo Mbeki, South African politician, 23rd President of South Africa |
1816 | Jung Bahadur Rana, Nepali ruler (d. 1877) |
1981 | Clint Newton, American-Australian rugby league player |
1984 | Nanyak Dala, Canadian rugby player |
1973 | Gavin Wanganeen Australian footballer and coach |
1980 | Antonio Gates, American football player |
1834 | Auguste-Théodore-Paul de Broglie, French philosopher and academic (d. 1895) |
1897 | Martti Marttelin, Finnish runner (d. 1940) |
1913 | Robert Mondavi, American winemaker and philanthropist (d. 2008) |
Here is a list of some famous peope who died on June 18. For full list please click on the link above.
Date | Name |
1997 | Lev Kopelev, Ukrainian-German author and academic (b. 1912) |
1922 | Jacobus Kapteyn, Dutch astronomer and academic (b. 1851) |
1998 | Felix Knight, American actor and tenor (b. 1908) |
1673 | Jeanne Mance, French-Canadian nurse, founded the Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal (b. 1606) |
1937 | Gaston Doumergue, French politician, 13th President of France (b. 1863) |
1742 | John Aislabie, English politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer (b. 1670) |
2008 | Jean Delannoy, French actor, director, and screenwriter (b. 1908) |
2000 | Nancy Marchand, American actress (b. 1928) |
1333 | Henry XV, Duke of Bavaria (b. 1312) |
1974 | Júlio César de Mello e Souza, Brazilian mathematician and academic (b. 1896) |
Here is a list of some events happened on June 18. For full list please click on the link above.
Date | Event |
1858 | Charles Darwin receives a paper from Alfred Russel Wallace that includes nearly identical conclusions about evolution as Darwin's own, prompting Darwin to publish his theory. |
1948 | Columbia Records introduces the long-playing record album in a public demonstration at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. |
1928 | Aviator Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly in an aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean (she is a passenger; Wilmer Stultz is the pilot and Lou Gordon the mechanic). |
1900 | Empress Dowager Cixi of China orders all foreigners killed, including foreign diplomats and their families. |
1822 | Konstantinos Kanaris blows up the Ottoman navy's flagship at Chios, killing the Kapudan Pasha Nasuhzade Ali Pasha. |
1429 | Charles VII's army defeats an English army under John Talbot at the Battle of Patay during the Hundred Years' War. The English lost 2,200 men, over half their army, crippling their efforts during this segment of the war. |
1994 | The Troubles: Members of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) attack a crowded pub with assault rifles in Loughinisland, Northern Ireland. Six Catholic civilians are killed and five wounded. It was crowded with people watching the 1994 FIFA World Cup. |
1815 | Napoleonic Wars: The Battle of Waterloo results in the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte by the Duke of Wellington and Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher forcing him to abdicate the throne of France for the second and last time. |
1946 | Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, a Socialist, calls for a Direct Action Day against the Portuguese in Goa. |
1953 | The Egyptian revolution of 1952 ends with the overthrow of the Muhammad Ali dynasty and the declaration of the Republic of Egypt. |