What is Khari Stephenson Birthday, How old is Khari Stephenson, What Zodiac Sign is Khari Stephenson

Khari Stephenson was born on January 18, 1981 and is 44 years old now. Zodiac sign of Khari Stephenson is Capricorn. Khari Stephenson, Jamaican footballer. Khari Stephenson was born in the Zodiac sign Capricorn (The Sea-goat), and 1981 is the year of the Chinese Zodiac Monkey.

Khari Stephenson Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign?

Date of Birth January 18, 1981
Day of Birth Sunday
Year of Birth 1981
Occupation Jamaican footballer
Age 44 years old

Is Khari Stephenson Dead or Still Alive?

Khari Stephenson is alive and currently, Khari Stephenson is 44 years, 1 months, 5 days old.
Next Birthday January 18, 2026 (Sunday)
Number of Days to Next Birthday 329
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Famous people with Capricorn zodiac sign?
Birth Sign Modality & Element Earth
Chinese zodiac sign Monkey
When is the Chinese Year of the Monkey?
Chinese zodiac element Metal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Khari Stephenson

When is Khari Stephenson birthday?

Khari Stephenson birthday date is on January 18, 2026 (Sunday).

What is the birth date of Khari Stephenson?

The birth date of Khari Stephenson is 01-18-1981.

Is 18-Jan-1981 the birth date of Khari Stephenson?

Yes, 18-Jan-1981 is the birth date of Khari Stephenson.

When is Khari Stephenson's next birthday date?

The next birth day date of Khari Stephenson is on January 18, 2026 (Sunday).

When was Khari Stephenson born?

Khari Stephenson was born on January 18, 1981.