Famous people with Capricorn zodiac sign? Page 45

List of Most Famous Capricorn Male and Female. Find out below which celebrities are born under the Capricorn zodiac sun sign. You can follow famous people, artists, actors, actresses, football players, leaders, scientists or people who have a Capricorn sign, on this page. Who are the male and female celebrities with Capricorn?

Name Date of birth Age
Howard Twitty January 15, 1949 75 Age
Howie Long January 06, 1960 64 Age
Hrithik Roshan January 10, 1974 50 Age
Hubert Beuve-Méry January 05, 1902 ( Died 1989, at 87 age )
Hubert Bland January 03, 1855 ( Died 1914, at 59 age )
Hubert Green December 28, 1946 ( Died 2018, at 72 age )
Hudson Fysh January 07, 1895 ( Died 1974, at 79 age )
Hugh Boulter January 04, 1672 ( Died 1742, at 70 age )
Hugh Kenner January 07, 1923 ( Died 2003, at 80 age )
Hugh Lofting January 14, 1886 ( Died 1947, at 61 age )
Hugh Mahon January 06, 1857 ( Died 1931, at 74 age )
Hugh McElhenny December 31, 1928 ( Died 2022, at 94 age )
Hugh Nelson (Australian politician) December 31, 1833 ( Died 1906, at 73 age )
Hugh Trevor-Roper January 15, 1914 ( Died 2003, at 89 age )
Hugo Bergmann December 25, 1883 ( Died 1975, at 92 age )
Hugo Lloris December 26, 1986 37 Age
Hugo Steinhaus January 14, 1887 ( Died 1972, at 85 age )
Hugo Viana January 15, 1983 41 Age
Huldrych Zwingli January 01, 1484 ( Died 1531, at 47 age )
Humbert Wolfe January 05, 1885 ( Died 1940, at 55 age )
Humphrey Bogart December 25, 1899 ( Died 1957, at 58 age )
Husayn ibn Ali January 10, 0626 ( Died 680, at 54 age )
Hwang Sok-yong January 04, 1943 81 Age
Hyleas Fountain January 14, 1981 43 Age
Hyun Woo January 18, 1985 39 Age
Hyun Young-min December 25, 1979 44 Age
I. F. Stone December 24, 1907 ( Died 1989, at 82 age )
Iago Falque January 04, 1990 34 Age
Ian Bostridge December 25, 1964 59 Age
Ian Crook January 18, 1963 61 Age
Ian Hendry January 13, 1931 ( Died 1984, at 53 age )
Ian Laperrière January 19, 1974 50 Age
Ian MacNaughton December 30, 1925 ( Died 2002, at 77 age )
Ian Meckiff January 06, 1935 89 Age
Ian Nankervis January 03, 1948 76 Age
Ian Poulter January 10, 1976 48 Age
Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton January 16, 1853 ( Died 1947, at 94 age )
Ian Stewart (athlete) January 15, 1949 75 Age
Ian Turnbull (ice hockey) December 22, 1953 70 Age
Ichizō Kobayashi January 03, 1873 ( Died 1957, at 84 age )
Ids Postma December 28, 1973 50 Age
Ignacio López Tarso January 15, 1925 99 Age
Igor Kurchatov January 12, 1903 ( Died 1960, at 57 age )
Igor Shesterkin December 30, 1995 28 Age
Igor Vyazmikin January 08, 1966 ( Died 2009, at 43 age )
Igor Žiković December 28, 1976 47 Age
Ikechi Anya January 03, 1988 36 Age
Ikusaburo Yamazaki January 18, 1986 38 Age
Ilchi Lee December 23, 1950 73 Age
Ilham Aliyev December 24, 1961 62 Age