Historical Events on December 6, Special Events on This Day

Important Events From This day in History December 6th. Find Out What happened 6th December This Day in History on your birthday. Also you can find some answers for the following questions;
Which major historical events happened on December 6?
What happened on December 6th in history?
What special day is December 6?
What happened in history on December 6th?

What Happened on December 6th This Day in History

Year Name
2017 Donald Trump's administration officially announces the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
2015 Venezuelan parliamentary election: For the first time in 17 years, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela loses its majority in parliament.
2006 NASA reveals photographs taken by Mars Global Surveyor suggesting the presence of liquid water on Mars.
2005 An Iranian Air Force C-130 military transport aircraft crashes into a ten-floor apartment building in a residential area of Tehran, killing all 94 on board and 12 more on the ground.
1999 A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.: The Recording Industry Association of America sues the peer-to-peer file-sharing service Napster, alleging copyright infringement.
1998 in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez is victorious in presidential elections.
1997 A Russian Antonov An-124 Ruslan cargo plane crashes into an apartment complex near Irkutsk, Siberia, killing 67.
1992 The Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, India, is demolished, leading to widespread riots causing the death of over 1,500 people.
1991 Yugoslav Wars: In Croatia, forces of the Serb-dominated Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) heaviest bombardment of Dubrovnik during a siege of seven months.
1990 A military jet of the Italian Air Force, abandoned by its pilot after an on-board fire, crashed into a high school near Bologna, Italy, killing 12 students and injuring 88 other people.
1989 The École Polytechnique massacre (or Montreal Massacre): Marc Lépine, an anti-feminist gunman, murders 14 young women at the École Polytechnique in Montreal.
1982 The Troubles: The Irish National Liberation Army bombs a pub frequented by British soldiers in Ballykelly, Northern Ireland, killing eleven soldiers and six civilians.
1978 Spain ratifies the Spanish Constitution of 1978 in a referendum.
1977 South Africa grants independence to Bophuthatswana, although it is not recognized by any other country.
1975 The Troubles: Fleeing from the police, a Provisional IRA unit takes a British couple hostage in their flat on Balcombe Street, London, beginning a six-day siege.
1973 The Twenty-fifth Amendment: The United States House of Representatives votes 387–35 to confirm Gerald Ford as Vice President of the United States. (On November 27, the Senate confirmed him 92–3.)
1971 Pakistan severs diplomatic relations with India, initiating the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.
1969 Altamont Free Concert: At a free concert performed by the Rolling Stones, eighteen-year old Meredith Hunter is stabbed to death by Hells Angels security guards.
1967 Adrian Kantrowitz performs the first human heart transplant in the United States.
1957 Project Vanguard: A launchpad explosion of Vanguard TV3 thwarts the first United States attempt to launch a satellite into Earth orbit.
1956 A violent water polo match between Hungary and the USSR takes place during the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, against the backdrop of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.
1941 World War II: Camp X opens in Canada to begin training Allied secret agents for the war.
1933 U.S. federal judge John M. Woolsey rules that James Joyce's novel Ulysses is not obscene.
1928 The government of Colombia sends military forces to suppress a month-long strike by United Fruit Company workers, resulting in an unknown number of deaths.
1922 One year to the day after the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, the Irish Free State comes into existence.
1921 The Anglo-Irish Treaty is signed in London by British and Irish representatives.
1917 Finland declares independence from the Russian Empire.
1917 Halifax Explosion: A munitions explosion near Halifax, Nova Scotia kills more than 1,900 people in the largest artificial explosion up to that time.
1917 World War I: USS Jacob Jones is the first American destroyer to be sunk by enemy action when it is torpedoed by German submarine SM U-53.
1916 World War I: The Central Powers capture Bucharest.
1912 The Nefertiti Bust is discovered.
1907 A coal mine explosion at Monongah, West Virginia, kills 362 workers.
1904 Theodore Roosevelt articulated his "Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the U.S. would intervene in the Western Hemisphere should Latin American governments prove incapable or unstable.
1897 London becomes the world's first city to host licensed taxicabs.
1884 The Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., is completed.
1882 Transit of Venus, second and last of the 19th century.
1865 Georgia ratifies the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
1803 Five French warships attempting to escape the Royal Naval blockade of Saint-Domingue are all seized by British warships, signifying the end of the Haitian Revolution.
1790 The U.S. Congress moves from New York City to Philadelphia.
1745 Charles Edward Stuart's army begins retreat during the second Jacobite Rising.
1704 Battle of Chamkaur: During the Mughal-Sikh Wars, an outnumbered Sikh Khalsa defeats a Mughal army.
1648 Colonel Thomas Pride of the New Model Army purges the Long Parliament of MPs sympathetic to King Charles I of England, in order for the King's trial to go ahead; came to be known as "Pride's Purge".
1534 The city of Quito in Ecuador is founded by Spanish settlers led by Sebastián de Belalcázar.
1492 After exploring the island of Cuba for gold (which he had mistaken for Japan), Christopher Columbus lands on an island he names Hispaniola.
1240 Mongol invasion of Rus': Kyiv, defended by Voivode Dmytro, falls to the Mongols under Batu Khan.
1060 Béla I is crowned king of Hungary.
Famous People Born on December 6

Here is a random list who born on December 6. For full list please click on the link above.

Year Name
1887 Lynn Fontanne, British actress (d. 1983)
1930 Daniel Lisulo, Zambian banker and politician, 3rd Prime Minister of Zambia (d. 2000)
1882 Warren Bardsley, Australian cricketer (d. 1954)
1893 Homer N. Wallin, American admiral (d. 1984)
1959 Stephen Muggleton, English computer scientist and engineer
1948 Jean-Paul Ngoupandé, Central African politician, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (d. 2014)
1941 Bill Thomas, American academic and politician
1792 William II of the Netherlands (d. 1849)
1967 Arnaldo Mesa, Cuban boxer (d. 2012)
1898 Winifred Lenihan, American actress, writer, and director (d. 1964)
Famous People Deaths On December 6

Here is a list of some famous peope who died on December 6. For full list please click on the link above.

Date Name
1185 Afonso I of Portugal (b. 1109)
1867 Jean Pierre Flourens, French physiologist and academic (b. 1794)
1997 Willy den Ouden, Dutch swimmer (b. 1918)
1989 Frances Bavier, American actress (b. 1902)
1955 Honus Wagner, American baseball player and manager (b. 1874)
1618 Jacques Davy Duperron, French cardinal (b. 1556)
1998 César Baldaccini, French sculptor and educator (b. 1921)
2011 Dobie Gray, American singer-songwriter and producer (b. 1940)
1982 Jean-Marie Seroney, Kenyan activist and politician (b. 1927)
2012 Miguel Abia Biteo Boricó, Equatoguinean engineer and politician, Prime Minister of Equatorial Guinea (b. 1961)