Famous Academic Birthdays, Page 46

List of Most Famous Academic People in History. Famous Academics Throughout History

Name Date of birth Age
Moeletsi Mbeki November 09, 1945 79 Age
Mohamed Morsi August 08, 1951 ( Died 2019, at 68 age )
Mohammad Hassan Ganji June 11, 1912 ( Died 2012, at 100 age )
Mohammad Ishaq Khan January 09, 1946 ( Died 2013, at 67 age )
Mohammed Abdul-Hayy January 11, 1944 ( Died 1989, at 45 age )
Mona Siddiqui May 03, 1963 61 Age
Mona Van Duyn May 09, 1921 ( Died 2004, at 83 age )
Monique Gagnon-Tremblay May 26, 1940 84 Age
Moran Campbell August 31, 1925 ( Died 2004, at 79 age )
Mordechai Vanunu October 14, 1954 70 Age
Morris Graves August 28, 1910 ( Died 2001, at 91 age )
Morris Halle July 23, 1923 ( Died 2018, at 95 age )
Morris Kline May 01, 1908 ( Died 1992, at 84 age )
Morris Travers January 24, 1872 ( Died 1961, at 89 age )
Morton Feldman January 12, 1926 ( Died 1987, at 61 age )
Moses Gomberg February 08, 1866 ( Died 1947, at 81 age )
Moses Waddel June 20, 1770 ( Died 1840, at 70 age )
Moshé Feldenkrais May 06, 1904 ( Died 1984, at 80 age )
Muazzez İlmiye Çığ June 20, 1914 110 Age
Muffy Calder May 21, 1958 66 Age
Muhammad Shamsul Huq October 12, 1912 ( Died 2006, at 94 age )
Muhammad Yunus June 28, 1940 84 Age
Muhsin al-Ramli March 07, 1967 57 Age
Mümtaz Soysal September 15, 1929 ( Died 2019, at 90 age )
Muriel Rukeyser December 15, 1913 ( Died 1980, at 67 age )
Murray Gell-Mann September 15, 1929 ( Died 2019, at 90 age )
Mykhailo Hrushevskyi September 29, 1866 ( Died 1934, at 68 age )
Myron Scholes July 01, 1941 83 Age
Naila Kabeer January 28, 1950 75 Age
Nancy Bond January 08, 1945 80 Age
Nancy Davis Griffeth October 26, 1945 79 Age
Nancy Kress January 20, 1948 77 Age
Nancy Lynch January 19, 1948 77 Age
Nancy Spero August 24, 1926 ( Died 2009, at 83 age )
Napier Shaw March 04, 1854 ( Died 1945, at 91 age )
Narendra Patel, Baron Patel May 11, 1938 86 Age
Nathan Söderblom January 15, 1866 ( Died 1931, at 65 age )
Nazik Al-Malaika August 23, 1922 ( Died 2007, at 85 age )
Necip Hablemitoğlu November 28, 1954 ( Died 2002, at 48 age )
Necmettin Hacıeminoğlu November 10, 1932 ( Died 1996, at 64 age )
Ned Hanlan July 12, 1855 ( Died 1908, at 53 age )
Neil Bartlett (chemist) September 15, 1932 ( Died 2008, at 76 age )
Neil Carmichael (Conservative politician) April 15, 1961 63 Age
Neil McKendrick July 28, 1935 89 Age
Nélida Piñon May 03, 1937 87 Age
Nevill Francis Mott September 30, 1905 ( Died 1996, at 91 age )
Ngô Bảo Châu June 28, 1972 52 Age
Niall Ferguson April 18, 1964 60 Age
Nicholas C. Handy June 17, 1941 ( Died 2012, at 71 age )
Nicholas Frayling February 29, 1944 80 Age