List of Most Famous Academic People in History. Famous Academics Throughout History
Name | Date of birth | Age |
Moeletsi Mbeki | November 09, 1945 | 79 Age |
Mohamed Morsi | August 08, 1951 | ( Died 2019, at 68 age ) |
Mohammad Hassan Ganji | June 11, 1912 | ( Died 2012, at 100 age ) |
Mohammad Ishaq Khan | January 09, 1946 | ( Died 2013, at 67 age ) |
Mohammed Abdul-Hayy | January 11, 1944 | ( Died 1989, at 45 age ) |
Mona Siddiqui | May 03, 1963 | 61 Age |
Mona Van Duyn | May 09, 1921 | ( Died 2004, at 83 age ) |
Monique Gagnon-Tremblay | May 26, 1940 | 84 Age |
Moran Campbell | August 31, 1925 | ( Died 2004, at 79 age ) |
Mordechai Vanunu | October 14, 1954 | 70 Age |
Morris Graves | August 28, 1910 | ( Died 2001, at 91 age ) |
Morris Halle | July 23, 1923 | ( Died 2018, at 95 age ) |
Morris Kline | May 01, 1908 | ( Died 1992, at 84 age ) |
Morris Travers | January 24, 1872 | ( Died 1961, at 89 age ) |
Morton Feldman | January 12, 1926 | ( Died 1987, at 61 age ) |
Moses Gomberg | February 08, 1866 | ( Died 1947, at 81 age ) |
Moses Waddel | June 20, 1770 | ( Died 1840, at 70 age ) |
Moshé Feldenkrais | May 06, 1904 | ( Died 1984, at 80 age ) |
Muazzez İlmiye Çığ | June 20, 1914 | 110 Age |
Muffy Calder | May 21, 1958 | 66 Age |
Muhammad Shamsul Huq | October 12, 1912 | ( Died 2006, at 94 age ) |
Muhammad Yunus | June 28, 1940 | 84 Age |
Muhsin al-Ramli | March 07, 1967 | 57 Age |
Mümtaz Soysal | September 15, 1929 | ( Died 2019, at 90 age ) |
Muriel Rukeyser | December 15, 1913 | ( Died 1980, at 67 age ) |
Murray Gell-Mann | September 15, 1929 | ( Died 2019, at 90 age ) |
Mykhailo Hrushevskyi | September 29, 1866 | ( Died 1934, at 68 age ) |
Myron Scholes | July 01, 1941 | 83 Age |
Naila Kabeer | January 28, 1950 | 75 Age |
Nancy Bond | January 08, 1945 | 80 Age |
Nancy Davis Griffeth | October 26, 1945 | 79 Age |
Nancy Kress | January 20, 1948 | 77 Age |
Nancy Lynch | January 19, 1948 | 77 Age |
Nancy Spero | August 24, 1926 | ( Died 2009, at 83 age ) |
Napier Shaw | March 04, 1854 | ( Died 1945, at 91 age ) |
Narendra Patel, Baron Patel | May 11, 1938 | 86 Age |
Nathan Söderblom | January 15, 1866 | ( Died 1931, at 65 age ) |
Nazik Al-Malaika | August 23, 1922 | ( Died 2007, at 85 age ) |
Necip Hablemitoğlu | November 28, 1954 | ( Died 2002, at 48 age ) |
Necmettin Hacıeminoğlu | November 10, 1932 | ( Died 1996, at 64 age ) |
Ned Hanlan | July 12, 1855 | ( Died 1908, at 53 age ) |
Neil Bartlett (chemist) | September 15, 1932 | ( Died 2008, at 76 age ) |
Neil Carmichael (Conservative politician) | April 15, 1961 | 63 Age |
Neil McKendrick | July 28, 1935 | 89 Age |
Nélida Piñon | May 03, 1937 | 87 Age |
Nevill Francis Mott | September 30, 1905 | ( Died 1996, at 91 age ) |
Ngô Bảo Châu | June 28, 1972 | 52 Age |
Niall Ferguson | April 18, 1964 | 60 Age |
Nicholas C. Handy | June 17, 1941 | ( Died 2012, at 71 age ) |
Nicholas Frayling | February 29, 1944 | 80 Age |