Discover the famous people whose name starts with J. You can follow famous people, artists, actors, actresses, football players, leaders, scientists or people who have a name starst with letter J. Who are the male and female celebrities with name starts with J?
Name | Date of birth | Age |
Juan Camacho (Bolivian athlete) | June 04, 1959 | 65 Age |
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz | May 23, 1606 | ( Died 1682, at 76 age ) |
Juan Carlos Calabró | February 03, 1934 | ( Died 2013, at 79 age ) |
Juan Carlos Ferrero | February 12, 1980 | 44 Age |
Juan Carlos I of Spain | January 05, 1938 | 87 Age |
Juan Carlos Navarro (basketball) | June 13, 1980 | 44 Age |
Juan Carlos Rosero | November 28, 1962 | ( Died 2013, at 51 age ) |
Juan Carlos Valerón | June 17, 1975 | 49 Age |
Juan Cobián | September 11, 1975 | 49 Age |
Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga | January 27, 1806 | ( Died 1826, at 20 age ) |
Juan Crisóstomo Torrico | January 21, 1808 | ( Died 1875, at 67 age ) |
Juan Croucier | August 22, 1959 | 65 Age |
Juan Cruz Álvarez | November 20, 1985 | 39 Age |
Juan de la Rosa | August 07, 1986 | 38 Age |
Juan de Palafox y Mendoza | June 26, 1600 | ( Died 1659, at 59 age ) |
Juan de Ribera | March 20, 1532 | ( Died 1611, at 79 age ) |
Juan del Encina | July 12, 1468 | 556 Age |
Juan Dixon | October 09, 1978 | 46 Age |
Juan E. Gilbert | February 27, 1969 | 55 Age |
Juan Encarnación | March 08, 1976 | 48 Age |
Juan Esnáider | March 05, 1973 | 51 Age |
Juan Fernando Cobo | August 27, 1959 | 65 Age |
Juan Flores (professor) | September 29, 1943 | ( Died 2014, at 71 age ) |
Juan Formell | August 02, 1942 | ( Died 2014, at 72 age ) |
Juan Francisco Torres | January 09, 1985 | 40 Age |
Juan Gabriel | January 07, 1950 | ( Died 2016, at 66 age ) |
Juan García Esquivel | January 20, 1918 | ( Died 2002, at 84 age ) |
Juan Gelman | May 03, 1930 | ( Died 2014, at 84 age ) |
Juan Gisbert Sr. | April 05, 1942 | 82 Age |
Juan González (baseball) | October 20, 1969 | 55 Age |
Juan Gris | March 23, 1887 | ( Died 1927, at 40 age ) |
Juan Horacio Suárez | March 12, 1938 | 86 Age |
Juan Ignacio Chela | August 30, 1979 | 45 Age |
Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 2nd Marquis of Luca de Tena | October 23, 1897 | ( Died 1975, at 78 age ) |
Juan Iturbe | June 04, 1993 | 31 Age |
Juan J. Campanella | July 19, 1959 | 65 Age |
Juan José Arreola | September 21, 1918 | ( Died 2001, at 83 age ) |
Juan José Elhuyar | June 15, 1754 | ( Died 1796, at 42 age ) |
Juan José Flores | July 19, 1800 | ( Died 1864, at 64 age ) |
Juan José Haedo | January 26, 1981 | 44 Age |
Juan José Ibarretxe | May 15, 1957 | 67 Age |
Juan José Muñoz | June 03, 1950 | ( Died 2013, at 63 age ) |
Juan Joseph | August 26, 1987 | ( Died 2014, at 27 age ) |
Juan Larrea (politician) | June 24, 1782 | ( Died 1847, at 65 age ) |
Juan Lavalle | October 17, 1797 | ( Died 1841, at 44 age ) |
Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne | December 28, 1943 | 81 Age |
Juan Luis Guerra | June 07, 1957 | 67 Age |
Juan Luis Sanfuentes | December 27, 1858 | ( Died 1930, at 72 age ) |
Juan Luis Vives | March 06, 1493 | ( Died 1540, at 47 age ) |
Juan Luna | October 23, 1857 | ( Died 1899, at 42 age ) |