Discover the famous people whose name starts with M. You can follow famous people, artists, actors, actresses, football players, leaders, scientists or people who have a name starst with letter M. Who are the male and female celebrities with name starts with M?
Name | Date of birth | Age |
Mikko Lindström | August 12, 1976 | 48 Age |
Mikko Sumusalo | March 12, 1990 | 34 Age |
Mikky Ekko | December 17, 1984 | 40 Age |
Miklós Fehér | July 20, 1979 | ( Died 2004, at 25 age ) |
Miklós Horthy | June 18, 1868 | ( Died 1957, at 89 age ) |
Miklós Istvánffy | December 08, 1538 | ( Died 1615, at 77 age ) |
Miklós Jancsó | September 27, 1921 | ( Died 2014, at 93 age ) |
Miklós Kovács (poet) | November 24, 1857 | ( Died 1937, at 80 age ) |
Miklós Németh (athlete) | October 23, 1946 | 78 Age |
Miklos Perlus | March 23, 1977 | 47 Age |
Miklós Radnóti | May 05, 1909 | ( Died 1944, at 35 age ) |
Miklós Rózsa | April 18, 1907 | ( Died 1995, at 88 age ) |
Miklós Szabó (middle-distance runner) | December 06, 1908 | ( Died 2000, at 92 age ) |
Miklós Vámos | January 29, 1950 | 75 Age |
Miklós Zrínyi | January 05, 1620 | ( Died 1664, at 44 age ) |
Miko Mälberg | May 03, 1985 | 39 Age |
Mikolas Josef | October 04, 1995 | 29 Age |
Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł | August 02, 1549 | ( Died 1616, at 67 age ) |
Mikołaj Rej | February 04, 1505 | ( Died 1580, at 75 age ) |
Mikuláš Dzurinda | February 04, 1955 | 70 Age |
Mikuni Shimokawa | March 19, 1980 | 44 Age |
Mila Kunis | August 14, 1983 | 41 Age |
Milagros Sequera | September 30, 1980 | 44 Age |
Milan Baroš | October 28, 1981 | 43 Age |
Milan Bartovič | April 09, 1981 | 43 Age |
Milan Biševac | August 31, 1983 | 41 Age |
Milan Blagojevic (footballer) | December 24, 1969 | 55 Age |
Milan Dudić | November 01, 1979 | 45 Age |
Milan Hnilička | June 25, 1973 | 51 Age |
Milan Hodža | February 01, 1878 | ( Died 1944, at 66 age ) |
Milan I of Serbia | August 22, 1854 | ( Died 1901, at 47 age ) |
Milan Komar | June 04, 1921 | ( Died 2006, at 85 age ) |
Milan Kučan | January 14, 1941 | 84 Age |
Milan Kundera | April 01, 1929 | 95 Age |
Milan Lukić | September 06, 1967 | 57 Age |
Milan Marcetta | September 19, 1936 | ( Died 2014, at 78 age ) |
Milan Michálek | December 07, 1984 | 40 Age |
Milan Milanović | March 31, 1991 | 33 Age |
Milan Rastislav Štefánik | July 21, 1880 | ( Died 1919, at 39 age ) |
Milan Škriniar | February 11, 1995 | 30 Age |
Milan Smiljanić | November 19, 1986 | 38 Age |
Milan Šrejber | December 30, 1963 | 61 Age |
Milan Šufflay | November 09, 1879 | ( Died 1931, at 52 age ) |
Milan Vidmar | June 22, 1885 | ( Died 1962, at 77 age ) |
Milan Williams | March 28, 1948 | ( Died 2006, at 58 age ) |
Milano Collection A.T. | August 27, 1976 | 48 Age |
Milbourne Christopher | March 23, 1914 | ( Died 1984, at 70 age ) |
Milburn Stone | July 05, 1904 | ( Died 1980, at 76 age ) |
Milcho Manchevski | October 18, 1959 | 65 Age |
Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of Westmorland | January 24, 1602 | ( Died 1666, at 64 age ) |