Famous people with Pisces zodiac sign? Page 81

List of Most Famous Pisces Male and Female. Find out below which celebrities are born under the Pisces zodiac sun sign. You can follow famous people, artists, actors, actresses, football players, leaders, scientists or people who have a Pisces sign, on this page. Who are the male and female celebrities with Pisces?

Name Date of birth Age
Olaf Marschall March 19, 1966 58 Age
Olav Bjaaland March 05, 1873 ( Died 1961, at 88 age )
Olave Baden-Powell February 22, 1889 ( Died 1977, at 88 age )
Oldřich Kulhánek February 26, 1940 ( Died 2013, at 73 age )
Ole Barndorff-Nielsen March 18, 1935 89 Age
Ole Gunnar Solskjær February 26, 1973 51 Age
Oleh Dopilka March 12, 1986 38 Age
Olena Kot March 13, 1981 43 Age
Olga Ladyzhenskaya March 07, 1922 ( Died 2004, at 82 age )
Olga Morozova February 22, 1949 75 Age
Olga Rukavishnikova March 13, 1955 69 Age
Olga San Juan March 16, 1927 ( Died 2009, at 82 age )
Oliver (singer) February 22, 1945 ( Died 2000, at 55 age )
Oliver Reck February 27, 1966 58 Age
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. March 08, 1841 ( Died 1935, at 94 age )
Olivia Rodrigo February 20, 2003 21 Age
Olivier Jean March 15, 1984 40 Age
Olusegun Obasanjo March 05, 1937 87 Age
Olympia Snowe February 21, 1947 77 Age
Omar Bravo March 04, 1980 44 Age
Onofrio Panvinio February 23, 1529 ( Died 1568, at 39 age )
Orde Wingate February 26, 1903 ( Died 1944, at 41 age )
Oren E. Long March 04, 1889 ( Died 1965, at 76 age )
Ornette Coleman March 09, 1930 ( Died 2015, at 85 age )
Osama bin Laden March 10, 1957 ( Died 2011, at 54 age )
Oscar Chisini March 04, 1889 ( Died 1967, at 78 age )
Oscar Heidenstam February 27, 1911 ( Died 1991, at 80 age )
Oscar Isaac March 09, 1979 45 Age
Oscar Straus (composer) March 06, 1870 ( Died 1954, at 84 age )
Oskar Kokoschka March 01, 1886 ( Died 1980, at 94 age )
Otis Bowen February 26, 1918 ( Died 2013, at 95 age )
Otoya Yamaguchi February 22, 1943 ( Died 1960, at 17 age )
Ottis Gibson March 16, 1969 55 Age
Ottmar Walter March 06, 1924 ( Died 2013, at 89 age )
Otto Bardenhewer March 16, 1851 ( Died 1935, at 84 age )
Otto Gross March 17, 1877 ( Died 1920, at 43 age )
Otto Hahn March 08, 1879 ( Died 1968, at 89 age )
Otto Hermann Kahn February 21, 1867 ( Died 1934, at 67 age )
Oumou Sangaré February 25, 1968 56 Age
Ove Aunli March 12, 1956 68 Age
Ovid March 20, 2043 ( Died 17, at -2026 age )
Owen Brewster February 22, 1888 ( Died 1961, at 73 age )
Owen King February 21, 1977 47 Age
Owen Wynne Jones March 04, 1828 ( Died 1870, at 42 age )
Ozzie Nelson March 20, 1906 ( Died 1975, at 69 age )
Ozzie Newsome March 16, 1956 68 Age
Pablo de Sarasate March 10, 1844 ( Died 1908, at 64 age )
Pablo Milanés February 24, 1943 81 Age
Pablo Velázquez March 12, 1987 37 Age
Paddy Ashdown February 27, 1941 ( Died 2018, at 77 age )