Famous People Born in the Year of the Chinese Zodiac Ox, Page 20

List of Most Famous Metal Ox Male and Female. Find out below which celebrities are born under the Metal Element and Chinese Ox zodiac sign. You can find famous people, artists, actors, actresses, football players, leaders, scientists or people who have a Metal Ox sign, on this page. Who are the male and female celebrities with Chinese Metal Ox Zodiac?

Famous People Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Metal Ox

Name Date of birth Age
Wynton Marsalis October 18, 1961 63 Age
Xavier Herbert May 15, 1901 ( Died 1984, at 83 age )
Yanis Varoufakis March 24, 1961 63 Age
Yannick Dalmas July 28, 1961 63 Age
Yelena Davydova August 07, 1961 63 Age
Yolanda Adams August 27, 1961 63 Age
Yoshikazu Okada February 27, 1901 ( Died 1974, at 73 age )
Yuri Malenchenko December 22, 1961 63 Age
Yuri Milner November 11, 1961 63 Age
Zeppo Marx February 25, 1901 ( Died 1979, at 78 age )
Zhang Xueliang June 03, 1901 ( Died 2001, at 100 age )
Zoran Janjetov June 23, 1961 63 Age
Zoran Thaler January 21, 1962 63 Age