Famous Philosopher Birthdays, Page 11

List of Most Famous Philosopher People in History. Famous Philosophers Throughout History

Name Date of birth Age
Mario Bettinus February 06, 1582 ( Died 1657, at 75 age )
Mario Bunge September 21, 1919 ( Died 2020, at 101 age )
Marquis de Sade June 02, 1740 ( Died 1814, at 74 age )
Marshall Berman November 24, 1940 ( Died 2013, at 73 age )
Marsilio Ficino October 19, 1433 ( Died 1499, at 66 age )
Martha Nussbaum May 06, 1947 77 Age
Martin Buber February 08, 1878 ( Died 1965, at 87 age )
Martin Heidegger September 26, 1889 ( Died 1976, at 87 age )
Martin Kusch October 19, 1959 65 Age
Martin Wiberg September 04, 1826 ( Died 1905, at 79 age )
Mary Calkins March 30, 1863 ( Died 1930, at 67 age )
Mary Daly October 16, 1928 ( Died 2010, at 82 age )
Mary Midgley September 13, 1919 ( Died 2018, at 99 age )
Mary Warnock, Baroness Warnock April 14, 1924 ( Died 2019, at 95 age )
Mary Wollstonecraft April 27, 1759 ( Died 1797, at 38 age )
Masaharu Anesaki July 25, 1878 ( Died 1949, at 71 age )
Master C. V. V. August 04, 1868 ( Died 1922, at 54 age )
Mathurin Jacques Brisson April 30, 1723 ( Died 1806, at 83 age )
Maulana Karenga July 14, 1941 83 Age
Maurice Blanchot September 22, 1907 ( Died 2003, at 96 age )
Maurice Merleau-Ponty March 14, 1908 ( Died 1961, at 53 age )
Max Horkheimer February 14, 1895 ( Died 1973, at 78 age )
Max Scheler August 22, 1874 ( Died 1928, at 54 age )
Max Stirner October 25, 1806 ( Died 1856, at 50 age )
Michael J. Sandel March 05, 1953 71 Age
Michael Ruse June 21, 1940 84 Age
Michael Walzer March 03, 1935 89 Age
Michel de Montaigne February 28, 1533 ( Died 1592, at 59 age )
Michel Foucault October 15, 1926 ( Died 1984, at 58 age )
Miguel de Unamuno September 29, 1864 ( Died 1936, at 72 age )
Mikhail Bakunin May 30, 1814 ( Died 1876, at 62 age )
Mikhail Shcherbatov July 22, 1733 ( Died 1790, at 57 age )
Milan Komar June 04, 1921 ( Died 2006, at 85 age )
Mirza Alakbar Sabir May 30, 1862 ( Died 1911, at 49 age )
Mohsen Kadivar June 08, 1959 65 Age
Montesquieu January 18, 1689 ( Died 1755, at 66 age )
Moritz Schlick April 14, 1882 ( Died 1936, at 54 age )
Mortimer J. Adler December 28, 1902 ( Died 2001, at 99 age )
Moses Mendelssohn September 06, 1729 ( Died 1786, at 57 age )
Muhammad Iqbal November 09, 1877 ( Died 1938, at 61 age )
Muretus April 12, 1526 ( Died 1585, at 59 age )
Murray Bookchin January 14, 1921 ( Died 2006, at 85 age )
N. F. S. Grundtvig September 08, 1783 ( Died 1872, at 89 age )
Nadia Maftouni January 14, 1966 59 Age
Nalin de Silva October 20, 1944 80 Age
Napoleon Hill October 26, 1883 ( Died 1970, at 87 age )
Neyzen Tevfik March 24, 1879 ( Died 1953, at 74 age )
Nezahualcoyotl (tlatoani) April 28, 1402 ( Died 1472, at 70 age )
Niccolò Machiavelli May 03, 1469 ( Died 1527, at 58 age )
Nicholas Maxwell July 03, 1937 87 Age