Historical Events in November, Month of November Events

Here is a list of some historical events in November. You can learn What major event happened in November?

Date Event
November 21, 1992 A major tornado strikes the Houston, Texas area during the afternoon. Over the next two days the largest tornado outbreak ever to occur in the US during November spawns over 100 tornadoes.
November 7, 1918 Kurt Eisner overthrows the Wittelsbach dynasty in the Kingdom of Bavaria.
November 20, 1917 World War I: Battle of Cambrai begins: British forces make early progress in an attack on German positions but are later pushed back.
November 7, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected for a record fourth term as President of the United States.
November 1, 1948 Athenagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, is enthroned.
November 17, 1869 In Egypt, the Suez Canal, linking the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea, is inaugurated.
November 10, 1793 A Goddess of Reason is proclaimed by the French Convention at the suggestion of Pierre Gaspard Chaumette.
November 10, 1997 WorldCom and MCI Communications announce a $37 billion merger (the largest merger in US history at the time).
November 16, 1797 The Prussian heir apparent, Frederick William, becomes King of Prussia as Frederick William III.
November 18, 1803 The Battle of Vertières, the last major battle of the Haitian Revolution, is fought, leading to the establishment of the Republic of Haiti, the first black republic in the Western Hemisphere.
November 23, 1976 Jacques Mayol is the first man to reach a depth of 100 m undersea without breathing equipment.
November 28, 1975 East Timor declares its independence from Portugal.
November 16, 1945 UNESCO is founded.
November 1, 1979 Griselda Álvarez becomes the first female governor of a state of Mexico.
November 4, 1962 The United States concludes Operation Fishbowl, its final above-ground nuclear weapons testing series, in anticipation of the 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

You can click on the link of the days below to learn what happened in the world in November.

Historical Events On November 1
Historical Events On November 2
Historical Events On November 3
Historical Events On November 4
Historical Events On November 5
Historical Events On November 6
Historical Events On November 7
Historical Events On November 8
Historical Events On November 9
Historical Events On November 10
Historical Events On November 11
Historical Events On November 12
Historical Events On November 13
Historical Events On November 14
Historical Events On November 15
Historical Events On November 16
Historical Events On November 17
Historical Events On November 18
Historical Events On November 19
Historical Events On November 20
Historical Events On November 21
Historical Events On November 22
Historical Events On November 23
Historical Events On November 24
Historical Events On November 25
Historical Events On November 26
Historical Events On November 27
Historical Events On November 28
Historical Events On November 29
Historical Events On November 30