Discover What Day is May 4th in world.
Holiday name | Holiday location | Holiday type |
Saint Florian's Day | Austria - Upper Austria | Local holiday |
Youth Day | China | National |
Mothers' Day | Spain | Observance |
Greenery Day | Japan | National |
Mothers' Day | Lithuania | Observance |
Independence Restoration Day | Latvia | National |
Cassinga Day | Namibia | National |
Remembrance Day | Netherlands | Observance |
Mother's Day | Portugal | Observance |
Mother's Day | Romania | Observance |
Anniversary of the Decease of M. R. Štefánik | Slovakia | Observance |
Coronation Day | Thailand | National |
Literary Day | Taiwan | Observance |
Rhode Island Independence Day | United States - Rhode Island | Local observance |
Kent State Shootings Remembrance | United States - Ohio | Local observance |